

El Gouna Hotels Stay Green

2 April 2024

Eco-tourism has become an increasingly important part of the travel landscape. Travellers are rightly more conscious about choosing hotels that care about the environment and our collective carbon footprint. With its sun-drenched red sea shores, El Gouna has been blazing the trail when it comes to sustainability. Just last year, it snagged a prestigious UN-sponsored Green Town Award, making it the first spot in Africa to earn such recognition. Impressively every single one of its 16 hotels is certified with the Green Star Hotel Initiative, the first ecological certification program of its kind in the Middle East. Let's deep dive into the top ten ways that El Gouna is stepping up to create a greener future.


1. Sunny sustainability

With all that glorious sunshine, it's no surprise that El Gouna is harnessing it for clean energy. The city has made serious investments in solar infrastructure. A solar power plant on the outskirts of town currently churns out about 20% of the city's energy needs. Plans are already in place to build another one of a similar size that could fuel up around 7000 households. This valuable source of clean energy is a crucial complement to the Aswan Dam which also provides hydro-electric power for the city’s growing population. In addition, many hotels have their individual micro-level solar supplies from lamps to water heaters across rooms and food and beverage venues.


2.  Energy saving solutions

When it comes to saving energy, El Gouna is pulling out all the stops. The city has pushed for greener transport options with electric tuk-tuks, shuttle boats, and golf carts in regular use. Conserving water is also a big concern, so hotels focus on regular maintenance to prevent leaks alongside faucet aerators and controlling laundry loads through linen reuse policies. Plant irrigation is done in controlled intervals at specific hours during the day with the use of recycled water through a drip irrigation system. Hotels such as the Mövenpick Resort & Spa are increasingly making their sustainability programs publicly available so feel free to have a browse. In recognition of its impressive achievements in this area, the Steigenberger Golf Resort received the Travelife Gold Award for its energy-saving efforts.



3. Innovative desalination techniques

According to some sources, drinking water for El Gouna used to be sourced from the closest delta city of Qena. But now we make use of the abundant supply of seawater that lines Gouna’s idyllic shores. An efficient process called reverse osmosis allows us to get high-quality freshwater from seawater. Pressure pumps squeeze the seawater through a special membrane, filtering out impurities and leaving behind clean, fresh drinking water. The city produces around 1300-1400 cubic meters for our guests and residents in this way. Wastewater is carefully tested before it heads back into the ecosystem and is dual-used to keep our gardens green and lush, ensuring that no drop is wasted.



4. Making every drop count

El Gouna’s vibrant green spaces rely on the effective use of wastewater. The city’s 7 sewage treatment plants each produce up to 3000 cubic meters of irrigation water, which sustains the plentiful green areas of our hotels and scenic golf courses. Making sure every bit of water is put to good use, the city’s sewage treatment plants also play a vital role in safeguarding the environment by preventing the harmful effects untreated wastewater can have on the biodiversity of our landscapes so that our birds, bees, and butterflies can continue to thrive.


5. Feeding our furry friends

Ever noticed how the street cats in this city look remarkably well-fed? This is because your hotel buffet leftovers are never wasted. Leftovers are usually donated to the El Gouna Stars TNR (tap, neuter, and release) Initiative to be distributed to dedicated feeding stations for dogs and cats. Enjoy your opulent breakfasts, lunches, and dinners safe in the knowledge that feeding stations for the city’s animals make excellent use of the food you can’t finish.


6. Turning trash around

It’s so easy to throw away rubbish without thinking about who will have to deal with it. A visit to the city’s recycling plant reveals the meticulous care required to turn trash into something we can reuse. Consider booking a visit with your hotel concierge if you want to see this process in action, it’s quite impressive! Material must be pre-segregated before sending it to the plant where different types of waste can be processed separately. El Gouna’s recycling plant achieves a notable 96% efficiency in handling various waste types, including solid waste, and recycles plastic to create new plastic bags. The city is full of colour-coded bins, making it possible for everyone to pitch in and make the hard work of our recycling team that bit easier.



7. Homegrown harvests

Take a wander around the hotel gardens and you’ll often find tantalizing wafts of basil or thyme infusing the air. Coriander, rosemary, and mint are grown in organic herb corners and trees bearing fresh produce including dates, pomegranates, mangoes, and figs can be found in abundance. Some hotels even grow their own onions and garlic, used in so many local dishes. In addition, many hotels opt for organic homegrown brands of toiletries that are free from parabens and chemicals, reflecting a welcome movement towards natural products, sustainability and conscious consumerism.


8. Safeguarding our shores

Hotels team up with the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA) throughout the year to keep our beaches pristine and to minimize waste from going back into the sea and harming marine life. Swapping out plastic where possible is big on the agenda, so you’ll often find wooden straws for your iced drinks and glass carafes of filtered water on the table with meals. Signs on the walls in rooms and public areas encourage guests to reduce their use of unrecyclable material and avoid plastic products wherever possible.


9. Celebrating Earth Week with the community

Promising a week of fun-filled activities, El Gouna's vibrant community organizes a week-long event each year in alignment with global Earth Week to raise awareness about environmental preservation. Every hotel in El Gouna takes part and is responsible for different activities according to the theme of that year. From tree planting to beach clean-ups and hotel staff workshops, these eagerly anticipated events foster a vital sense of community and shared responsibility for the valuable and fragile ecosystem we all share.


10. Educating and Empowering

Environmental education and awareness raising is something El Gouna’s hotels are committed to all year round. El Gouna Hotels are constantly investing in their employees to make sure that they think about the environmental impact of their day-to-day operations. Whether planning activities for children that promote understanding of their ecosystem through play or encouraging guests to take part in green initiatives across the city, El Gouna’s hotels emphasize that every single person’s effort counts. The quest to preserve our environment for future generations is no longer optional and we all have a vital role to play.


If you have any suggestions or ideas about keeping green in El Gouna, the hotels would love to hear from you; drop them an email on info@elgouna.com